网优工作有前景吗_想提高您的工作前景吗? 成为某事的权威。 这是如何做。
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With so many people applying for software jobs, how can you stand out?


I recently switched careers to become a software developer and I got multiple job offers. There were many things I did that helped my successful job search such as getting a software degree, creating projects, and networking. But there was another thing I did that really helped me stand out in my job search.

我最近转行成为一名软件开发人员,并获得了多个工作机会。 我所做的许多事情都帮助我成功完成了工作,例如获得软件学位,创建项目和建立网络。 但是我所做的另一件事确实帮助我在求职中脱颖而出。

Toward the end of 2016 I read . This convinced me of the importance of putting content out into the world. What I did next I’ve come to describe as building an authority piece.

在2016年末,我读 。 这使我深信将内容发布到世界的重要性。 接下来我要形容为构建权威作品。

An authority piece is a specific piece of work that establishes you as an authority in the field. It helps employers trust that you will be a good hire. In the best case scenario, an employer will have already heard of you before you even apply. But that was not my experience, and it is not necessary to have a successful authority piece. An example of an authority piece is a published book, e-book, video course, or popular blog.

权威是一项特定的工作,可以使您在现场成为权威。 它可以帮助雇主相信您将是一个不错的员工。 在最好的情况下,雇主甚至在您申请之前就已经听说过您。 但这不是我的经验,没有必要拥有成功的权威作品。 权威作品的示例是出版的书籍,电子书,视频课程或流行博客。

On New Year’s day 2017, I began posting JavaScript training videos multiple times per week to YouTube. My goal was to have 100 JavaScript videos by the time I started applying for jobs. I didn’t get quite to 100 but I ended up creating an. This was something I could point to so potential employers could see I knew what I was doing. It’s a perfect example of an authority piece.

在2017年元旦,我开始每周多次在YouTube上发布JavaScript培训视频。 我的目标是在我开始求职时拥有100个JavaScript视频。 我的还不到100,但最后上创建了 。 我可以指出这一点,以便潜在的雇主可以看到我知道自己在做什么。 这是权威作品的完美典范。

Here’s the most important secret of an authority piece: You don’t have to be an authority to create it! The act of creating it makes you an authority! Many of the topics I created videos on were brand new to me. I had to research the topics to make the videos. And that process made me into an authority.

这是授权书中最重要的秘密:您不必成为创建它的授权人! 创建它的行为使您具有权威! 我创建视频的许多主题对我来说都是全新的。 我必须研究主题才能制作视频。 这个过程使我成为权威。

I have another friend who wrote an about using Angular with Ruby on Rails. He said he had almost no familiarity with the technology before he wrote about it. It only took him a few weeks to research and write the book.

我还有另一个朋友写了关于将Angular与Ruby on Rails一起使用的 。 他说,在撰写这项技术之前,他几乎不熟悉这项技术。 他只花了几周的时间研究和编写这本书。

It doesn’t have to take a long time to develop an authority piece. Just like me, my friend found that having the authority piece made getting a job easier. A potential employer told him, “You obviously know your stuff on Angular. You wrote a book about it.”

开发授权书不需要花费很长时间。 就像我一样,我的朋友发现拥有权威作品使找工作变得容易。 潜在的雇主告诉他:“您显然知道Angular上的知识。 你写了一本书。”

一件事导致另一件事 (One thing leads to another)

Just putting something out there often leads to more opportunities.


Soon after I started posting videos on my personal YouTube channel, from freeCodeCamp offered me the opportunity to post my training videos on the (with many many more subscribers than mine).

在我开始在个人YouTube频道上发布视频后不久,来自freeCodeCamp的为我提供了将我的培训视频发布在上的 (订阅者比我更多)。

Then after seeing my training videos on YouTube, Manning Publications, a popular software book publishing company, asked me to create a .

然后,在YouTube上观看了我的培训视频后,一家受欢迎的软件图书出版公司Manning Publications要求我制作一个的 。

While it helped my job search that my videos were posted on a channel that had over 200K subscribers, I think the most important thing was that I had created the videos in the first place.


When I was interviewing for jobs, my JavaScript videos were mentioned as a reason I was being considered. One company said they appreciated the initiative it took to create them. This would have been true no matter how many subscribers and views I had.

当我面试工作时,提到我JavaScript视频是被考虑的原因。 一家公司表示,他们赞赏创建它们所采取的主动行动。 无论我有多少订户和观点,这都是真实的。

Not everybody needs to create a video course. But I firmly believe that everybody can create something to show they know what they are doing.

并非每个人都需要创建视频课程。 但是我坚信,每个人都可以创造出一些东西来表明他们知道自己在做什么。

Remember: you don’t actually have to know a lot about a topic to create something to teach others about the topic. You just have to have an interest and a desire to learn.

请记住:您实际上不必对某个主题了解太多,也无需创建任何东西来教别人该主题。 您只需要有兴趣和学习欲望。

An e-book or email course are possible for anyone to create and it will help set you apart to employers. Just the fact that you created them shows you have initiative, creativity, and drive. And often, one authority piece can lead to another.

任何人都可以创建电子书或电子邮件课程,这将使您与雇主区分开。 您创建它们的事实表明您具有主动性,创造力和驱动力。 通常,一个权威可以导致另一个。

If someone were to ask pointed interview questions about every topic I’ve made a video about, I would probably get a lot of the questions wrong. It’s easier for me to know what I’m talking about when reading a script I developed after researching a topic than when I am just answering questions in-person with no script. That’s what is so great about an authority piece. You can show your understanding of a topic, even if it would be a challenge for you to explain things spur-of-the-moment in an interview.

如果有人要针对我制作视频的每个主题提出针对性的采访问题,那么我可能会误解很多问题。 与我只是在没有脚本的情况下亲自回答问题时相比,当我阅读研究主题后开发的脚本时,更容易知道自己在说什么。 这就是授权书的优点。 即使您在面试中解释突发事件对您来说是一个挑战,也可以显示您对某个主题的理解。

At one of my interviews there was a coding question that I couldn’t figure out. I couldn’t remember a specific concept, but afterwards I realized I had made a video about the very thing I couldn’t figure out while under pressure in the interview. So the next day I emailed them a link to my video. And this became one of the companies that ended up wanting to hire me.

在我的一次采访中,有一个编码问题我无法弄清楚。 我不记得一个具体的概念,但是后来我意识到我制作了一个录像,讲述了我在面试压力下无法弄清的事情。 因此,第二天,我通过电子邮件向他们发送了指向我的视频的链接。 这成为了最终想要雇用我的公司之一。

创建授权书的步骤 (Steps to creating an authority piece)

The first step is to decide what topic you are going to create something about. The key is a single focus. This is especially important if you are creating a blog to develop authority. It is best to become an authority in one specific topic, instead of everything.

第一步是确定要创建什么主题的主题。 关键是一个重点。 如果您要创建博客来发展权威,那么这尤其重要。 最好成为某个特定主题的权威,而不是所有主题。

Since all my videos were about JavaScript, if someone was interested in one of my videos, they were most likely interested in my other videos as well. If I had videos on 10 different programming languages, someone watching one of my videos may not be interested in other videos I created.

由于我所有的视频都是关于JavaScript的,因此,如果有人对我的一个视频感兴趣,那么他们也很可能对我的其他视频也感兴趣。 如果我有10种不同编程语言的视频,则观看我的一个视频的人可能对我创建的其他视频不感兴趣。

Here’s an example to show why focus is important. Let’s say your sink is completely clogged and you want to hire a plumber to fix it. Would you rather hire “Affordable Plumbing” with the tagline “We do it all!” or “Super Clog Busters” with the tagline “We’ll unclog any drain in 10 minutes or it’s free”? Most people would choose “Super Clog Busters” because they specialize in exactly what needs to be fixed. And similarly, many employers would rather hire a specialist than a generalist.

这是一个示例,说明为什么重点很重要。 假设您的水槽已完全堵塞,您想雇用一名水管工来修理它。 您是否愿意雇用标语为“我们做到了!”的“负担得起的管道工程”? 或标有“我们将在10分钟内消除所有耗油量或免费的油耗”的“超级障碍物克星”? 大多数人会选择“ Super Clog Busters”,因为他们专门研究需要解决的问题。 同样,许多雇主宁愿雇用专家而不是通才。

When deciding what to focus on, you don’t have to pick something you already know about. Remember, you will become an authority just by creating your authority piece.

在确定要重点关注的内容时,您不必选择已经知道的东西。 请记住,仅通过创建权限块,您就可以成为权限。

After you have your topic, decide what medium to use. The easiest things are a video course, e-book, or blog. If you can create a video course or e-book, these are better than a blog since they are more rare.

主题确定后,决定使用哪种媒体。 最简单的事情是视频课程,电子书或博客。 如果您可以创建视频课程或电子书,则它们比博客更好,因为它们很少见。

The final and most challenging thing is to work consistently on whatever you are creating. It is consistency that will ultimately set you apart from most other people.

最后也是最具挑战性的事情是要在所创建的内容上保持一致。 一致性最终将使您与大多数其他人区分开。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you start creating something, . I’d love to see what you're working on!

如果您开始创建某些东西, 。 我很想看看你在做什么!

Also, if you're interested in getting occasional emails from me containing tips for your job search, including more ideas on creating an authority piece, join my email list below.


Something else that will help in getting a software developer job is to be very familiar with data structures and algorithms. This will allow you to pass the technical interview at many companies. On December 15th, I’m choosing two people at random from my email list to receive a FREE copy of my from Manning Publications! (So you might as well wait until then before unsubscribing ?)

对数据结构和算法非常熟悉,这将有助于获得软件开发人员的工作。 这样您就可以通过许多公司的技术面试。 12月15日,我将从电子邮件列表中随机选择两个人,以从Manning Publications免费获得我副本! (因此,您最好等到那时再取消订阅?)




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